more than just words
Between February 2017 and November 2019, I volunteered as the Programme Editor for Prescot Cables Football Club, revitalising this traditional part of the matchday experience
Quality Writing
In addition to writing much of the copy in each issue, I managed a team of outstanding contributors.
Stunning Visuals
The Walloper was a full-colour, high quality publication supported by superb photography
During my time as Editor, the Cables programme set new standards in their division.
Topical and readable
The programmes looked beyond the club and included features from around the world of football.
Up to the minute statistics
Our programme was renowned for having accurate and detailed statistical analysis.
Great Value
With up to 56 pages per issue, the programmes were packed with content at a fantastic price.
Issues Edited
Awards Won
Copies Sold
I don’t just work on Programmes…
The sun sets on 2024
At about 5:45am on New Year’s Eve, it occurred to me that 2024 has been the first year since I became of ‘working age’ in which I haven’t done any paid work. There are, of course, numerous reasons for this. My own health is fragile, but my wife and son’s support needs...
My 2024 in Books
As I did last year, I want to share the list of books I have finished during 2024. Last year, I had read 55 books by New Year’s Eve. This year’s total of 47 is lower but is still pretty good, considering the amount of writing I had to do to complete my MA in Creative...
Book Review: Nine Minds by Daniel Tammet
One of the great joys of reading is that, occasionally, you discover a book that has a profound effect on you, the reader. I’ve recently finished such a book, specifically Nine Minds by Daniel Tammet. The minds in question all belong to autistic people; some have...