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Recent Blog Posts

No surprises in Knowsley

No surprises in Knowsley

A month ago, I predicted that Annelise Midgeley would be the next MP for Knowsley whilst observing that Ms Midgely’s election was going to happen regardless of how I marked my ballot paper.  On June 8, I noted that: We can be confident that Labour will hold the seat...

Clapton FC sink into the quicksand

Clapton FC sink into the quicksand

A short tweet, reproduced on the Non-League Matters Forum, suggests that Clapton FC has closed it’s doors. The casual football fan might be forgiven for shrugging their shoulders. So what if a club in the tenth tier of English football has thrown in the towel? Well,...

Why my vote won’t matter, but I’m casting it anyway

Why my vote won’t matter, but I’m casting it anyway

It doesn’t really matter where I cast my vote in the forthcoming General Election; I already know who my next Member of Parliament is going to be. In fact, in most of the General Elections where I have been eligible to vote, my cross on the ballot paper has been...