No surprises in Knowsley

No surprises in Knowsley

A month ago, I predicted that Annelise Midgeley would be the next MP for Knowsley whilst observing that Ms Midgely’s election was going to happen regardless of how I marked my ballot paper.  On June 8, I noted that: We can be confident that Labour will hold the seat...
What If? An early morning freewrite

What If? An early morning freewrite

I wrote the piece below at about 4:30am one morning in October 2023, with no plans to do anything with it. I was ‘venting’ and trying to regulate my emotions whilst staying awake. But then my wife and I met with our son’s Social Worker and SENCO; I...
Writers on how they got published

Writers on how they got published

I’m currently in the second year of a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing with the Open University. In addition to helping writers working in several genres to hone their craft, the course has a section called ‘Writer in the World, which is designed to encourage...
Plan? There ain’t no plan!

Plan? There ain’t no plan!

At the back end of last week, an email arrived from our Tutor with some advice as we head into a new phase of the MA in Creative Writing I’m doing with the Open University. It had a link to a writer’s planner to “encourage you to do some New Year reflecting on your...
My 2023 in Books

My 2023 in Books

Happy New Year! Have you made any resolutions? In 2023, one of mine was ‘to read more’, partly because I’d started an MA in Creative Writing with the Open University and our Tutor was fiercely passionate about reading as widely and deeply as possible. It would make us...