The quicksand threatens City of Liverpool

The quicksand threatens City of Liverpool

The dispute between City of Liverpool FC and their landlords, Bootle FC, which I discussed last week, escalated significantly on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday evening, Bootle issued a short statement confirming that “Following a material breach of the ground-share...
A pyramid built on qucksand?

A pyramid built on qucksand?

As someone with a lifelong passion for non-League football, I’m increasingly worried about how financially viable the sport is below the elite level. Semi-professional football clubs have always led a hand-to-mouth existence and barely a season goes by without at...

Did we win the war? Or just the first battle?

The saying goes that “a week is a long time in politics” and there’s more than a grain of truth to that. Last Friday, I published a letter I’d written to my MP in this space (see A sticking plaster on a severed thumb). I shared it on Twitter:...

A sticking plaster on a severed thumb

As will be evident to anyone browsing this site, I am passionate about non-League football. On Tuesday night, I wrote to my MP, Sir George Howarth, to ask him to lobby the Department of Culture, Media and Sport to #LetFansIn to non-League matches. My original...